Route 53
1. How Route53 works?
- Intro
- DNS webservice
- functionalities
- domain registration
- DNS routing
- health checking
- Domain Registration
- You choose a domain name and confirm that it’s available
- You provide names and contact information for the domain owner and other contacts
- Route 53 automatically makes itself the DNS service for the domain by doing:
- create a hosted zone that has the same name as your domain
- Assigns a set of four name servers to the hosted zone. When someone uses a browser to access your website, such as, these name servers tell the browser where to find your resources, such as a web server or an Amazon S3 bucket.
- Gets the name servers from the hosted zone and adds them to the domain.
2. Concepts
- Hosted Zone
- A container for records
- include info about how you want to route traffic for a domain and all of its subdomains
- It has the same name as domain
- A container for records
- Records
- Created in your hosted zone
- For routing traffic to your resources
- Each record includes information about how you want to route traffic for your domain
- Name
- Type
- Value
- Name server
- Route53 will assign a set of 4 name servers to the hosted zone
- name server tell the accessor (browser) where to find your resources
- Domain Name System Concepts
- Alias Record
- Record you create to route traffic to AWS resources
- subdomain
- A domain name that has one or more labels prepended to the registered domain name. For example, if you register the domain name, then is a subdomain. If you create the hosted zone for the domain, then is a subdomain.
- Alias Record
3. Working with Hosted Zones
4. Routing Traffic for subdomains
- Option 1:
- Create records in the hosted zone for the doamin
- we could create a record named in the hosted zone
- Option 2:
- Create a hosted zone for the subdomain, and create records in the new hosted zone
5. Routing Traffic to AWS Resources
- The logic is to leverage on AWS PrivateLink for cross vpc connection, create the interface endpoint in your service, and build connection between your VPC and Route53
本文作者:Leilei Chen
发布时间:2021-03-21, 04:10:21
最后更新:2021-03-21, 04:11:01
原始链接:版权声明: "署名-非商用-相同方式共享 4.0" 转载请保留原文链接及作者。