
  1. 1. 原理与实现
    1. 1.1 策略的定义
    2. 1.2 策略的创建
    3. 1.3 策略的使用
  2. 2. 实例
    1. 2.1 策略模式避免分支判断
    2. 2.2 根据大小对文件排序

策略模式,用于避免冗长的if else或者switch分支判断,并且可以像模板模式那样提供框架的扩展点。

1. 原理与实现

  • 策略模式
    • Strategy Design Pattern
    • Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
    • 对策略的定义,创建和使用进行解耦

1.1 策略的定义

  • 策略接口
  • 一组实现了这个接口的策略类
public interface Strategy {
  void algorithmInterface();

public class ConcreteStrategyA implements Strategy {
  public void  algorithmInterface() {

public class ConcreteStrategyB implements Strategy {
  public void  algorithmInterface() {

1.2 策略的创建

  • 策略在使用的时候需要根据类型来判断创建哪个策略来使用

  • 因此,为了封装创建逻辑,需要对客户端代码屏蔽创建细节

    public class StrategyFactory {

    private static final Map<String, Strategy> strategies = new HashMap<>();
    static {
      strategies.put("A", new ConcreteStrategyA());
      strategies.put("B", new ConcreteStrategyB());
    public static Strategy getStrategy(String type) {
      if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("type should not be empty.");
      return strategies.get(type);



// 返回新创建好的对象的范例
public class StrategyFactory {
  public static Strategy getStrategy(String type) {
    if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("type should not be empty.");

    if (type.equals("A")) {
      return new ConcreteStrategyA();
    } else if (type.equals("B")) {
      return new ConcreteStrategyB();

    return null;

1.3 策略的使用


// 策略接口:EvictionStrategy
// 策略类:LruEvictionStrategy、FifoEvictionStrategy、LfuEvictionStrategy...
// 策略工厂:EvictionStrategyFactory

public class UserCache {
  private Map<String, User> cacheData = new HashMap<>();
  private EvictionStrategy eviction;

  public UserCache(EvictionStrategy eviction) {
    this.eviction = eviction;


// 运行时动态确定,根据配置文件的配置决定使用哪种策略
public class Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy = null;
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.load(new FileInputStream("./config.properties"));
    String type = props.getProperty("eviction_type");
    evictionStrategy = EvictionStrategyFactory.getEvictionStrategy(type);
    UserCache userCache = new UserCache(evictionStrategy);

// 非运行时动态确定,在代码中指定使用哪种策略
public class Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy = new LruEvictionStrategy();
    UserCache userCache = new UserCache(evictionStrategy);

2. 实例

2.1 策略模式避免分支判断

public class OrderService {
  public double discount(Order order) {
    double discount = 0.0;
    OrderType type = order.getType();
    if (type.equals(OrderType.NORMAL)) { // 普通订单
    } else if (type.equals(OrderType.GROUPON)) { // 团购订单
    } else if (type.equals(OrderType.PROMOTION)) { // 促销订单
    return discount;

// 策略的定义
public interface DiscountStrategy {
  double calDiscount(Order order);
// 省略NormalDiscountStrategy、GrouponDiscountStrategy、PromotionDiscountStrategy类代码...

// 策略的创建
public class DiscountStrategyFactory {
  private static final Map<OrderType, DiscountStrategy> strategies = new HashMap<>();

  static {
    strategies.put(OrderType.NORMAL, new NormalDiscountStrategy());
    strategies.put(OrderType.GROUPON, new GrouponDiscountStrategy());
    strategies.put(OrderType.PROMOTION, new PromotionDiscountStrategy());

  public static DiscountStrategy getDiscountStrategy(OrderType type) {
    return strategies.get(type);

// 策略的使用
public class OrderService {
  public double discount(Order order) {
    OrderType type = order.getType();
    DiscountStrategy discountStrategy = DiscountStrategyFactory.getDiscountStrategy(type);
    return discountStrategy.calDiscount(order);

2.2 根据大小对文件排序

  • 对文件进行排序

    • 整型数
    • 逗号间隔
  • 100GB大小的话

    • 利用外部排序算法 – MapReduce框架
public class SortAlgFactory {
  private static final Map<String, ISortAlg> algs = new HashMap<>();

  static {
    algs.put("QuickSort", new QuickSort());
    algs.put("ExternalSort", new ExternalSort());
    algs.put("ConcurrentExternalSort", new ConcurrentExternalSort());
    algs.put("MapReduceSort", new MapReduceSort());

  public static ISortAlg getSortAlg(String type) {
    if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("type should not be empty.");
    return algs.get(type);

public class Sorter {
  private static final long GB = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;

  public void sortFile(String filePath) {
    // 省略校验逻辑
    File file = new File(filePath);
    long fileSize = file.length();
    ISortAlg sortAlg;
    if (fileSize < 6 * GB) { // [0, 6GB)
      sortAlg = SortAlgFactory.getSortAlg("QuickSort");
    } else if (fileSize < 10 * GB) { // [6GB, 10GB)
      sortAlg = SortAlgFactory.getSortAlg("ExternalSort");
    } else if (fileSize < 100 * GB) { // [10GB, 100GB)
      sortAlg = SortAlgFactory.getSortAlg("ConcurrentExternalSort");
    } else { // [100GB, ~)
      sortAlg = SortAlgFactory.getSortAlg("MapReduceSort");

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本文作者:Leilei Chen

发布时间:2020-07-10, 13:19:17

最后更新:2020-07-11, 06:10:09


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