JMX - Tutorials
1. Introduction
- JMX - Java Management extensions
- export standard metrics and custom metrics using MBeans to a monitoring system
- understand how your application is performing
- memory
- cpu
- threads
- API calls in a REST endpoint
2. Why need this?
- Large scale java applications
- gather performance information
- number of users connected
- gather performance information
- could provide a monitoring interface
- any class that exports data to JMX is called a Managed Bean(MBean). These MBeans publish their metrics to a MBean Server provided by the Java platform.
3. Components
3.1 MBean
- Objects with methods that return information and export the information via the MBeanServer
- Mainly have 4 types
- Standard MBean
- create an interface with getter
- Dynamic MBean
- implements getters and setters to retrieve or modify the metric that can be auto discovered by implementing the interface
- Model MBean
- Generic, dynamic in runtime to instrument the resources
- Open MBean
- Using a predefined set of java classes
- Standard MBean
4. Example
// Create an interface that the MBeanServer will retrieve information
public interface SystemStatusMBean {
Integer getNumberOfSecondsRunning();
String getProgramName();
Long getNumberOfUnixSecondsRunning();
Boolean getSwitchStatus();
Actual Implementation
public class SystemStatus implements SystemStatusMBean {
private Integer numberOfSecondsRunning;
private String programName;
private Long numberOfUnixSecondsRunning;
private Boolean switchStatus;
private Thread backgroundThread;
public SystemStatus(String programName) {
// First we initialize all the metrics
this.backgroundThread = new Thread();
this.programName = programName;
this.numberOfSecondsRunning = 0;
this.numberOfUnixSecondsRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;
this.switchStatus = false;
// We will use a background thread to update the metrics
this.backgroundThread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
while (true) {
// Every second we update the metrics
numberOfSecondsRunning += 1;
numberOfUnixSecondsRunning += 1;
switchStatus = !switchStatus;
} catch (Exception e) {
5. Operations and attributes
Class properties exported through MBeans are called attributes, and methods exported through MBeans are called operations.
- TotalCompilationTime
- Total time spent doing in JIT compilation
- Garbage Collector - CollectionCount
- Number of garbage collection events fired since the JVM launch
- Garbage Collector - CollectionTime
- FreePyhsicalMemorySize
- CommitedVirtualMemorySize
- The amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for use by JVM
- ProcessCpuTime
- Time CPU has spent running the process
- PeakThreadCount
- maximum number of threads being executed at the same time since the JVM was started or the peak was reset
- ThreadCount
- the number of threads running at the current moment
文章标题:JMX - Tutorials
本文作者:Leilei Chen
发布时间:2020-02-09, 13:15:44
最后更新:2020-02-09, 13:16:07
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