Enzyme + Jest Practice

  1. 1. How to use enzyme with jest
    1. 1.1 children()
    2. 1.2 snapshot
    3. 1.3 Test with props in your component
    4. 1.4 Test events
  2. 2. Some tips
  3. Reference

1. How to use enzyme with jest

1.1 children()

This blog mainly describe some practice on how to write tests in jest with enzyme.

// This test make sure the component only have one h1 element 
describe('<Add /> rendering', () => {
    it('should render one <h1>', () => {
        let wrapper = shallow(<Add />);

1.2 snapshot

// For snapshot test, jest will help you create a directory named __snapshots__ with the autogenerated file inside with the extension `.snap`. Push snapshot into the repository and store it along with the test 
// it means same as test 
it('render correctly text component', () => {  
    const TextInputComponent = renderer.create(<TextInput />).toJSON();

1.3 Test with props in your component

it('check month and years dropdowns displayed', () => {  
    const props = {
            showMonthYearsDropdowns: true
        DateInputComponent = mount(<DateInput {...props} />).find('.datepicker');

it('render date input correctly with null value', () => {  
    const props = {
            value: null
        DateInputComponent = mount(<DateInput {...props} />);

it('check the type of value', () => {  
    const props = {
            value: '10.03.2018'
        DateInputComponent = mount(<DateInput {...props} />);

1.4 Test events

it('check the onChange callback', () => {  
    const onChange = jest.fn(),
        props = {
            value: '20.01.2018',
        DateInputComponent = mount(<DateInput {...props} />).find('input');
    DateInputComponent.simulate('change', { target: {value: moment('2018-01-22')} });

it('check DatePicker popup open', () => {  
    const DateComponent = mount(<DateInput />),
        dateInput = DateComponent.find("input[type='text']");

2. Some tips

  1. One component should have only one snapshot.

    1. mainly because if one fails, most likely the others will fail too
  2. Test props.

    1. check the render od default prop values
    2. check the custom value of the prop, set your own value and do tests
  3. Testing data types

    1. you could use jest-extended to test the type of data
  4. Event testing

    1. mock event -> simulate it -> expect event was called
    2. mock event -> simulate event with params -> expect event was called with passed params
    3. pass necessary props -> render component -> simulate event -> expect a certain behavior on called event


  1. https://blog.bitsrc.io/how-to-test-react-components-with-jest-and-enzyme-in-depth-145fcd06b90

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文章标题:Enzyme + Jest Practice


本文作者:Leilei Chen

发布时间:2020-05-23, 08:29:18

最后更新:2021-07-01, 12:43:48


版权声明: "署名-非商用-相同方式共享 4.0" 转载请保留原文链接及作者。

