Cost of abstraction
Duplicate is definitely something we are trying to get rid of, however, what’s the cost of abstraction? It seems some problem we could think for a while.
We should think of the tradeoff between code duplication and increased level of abstraction.
1. Definition - cost of abstraction
- An abstraction is adding to the cognitive load of whoever works with the code
- The main cost of abstraction: separating the implementation from the specification. Or we say separate the letter of function from the spirit of the function
- The former being what the function does, the latter being what everybody believes it should do
- Should involve everybody to consider what the code does, or we say what the function does
2. Thought
- The decision about creating an abstraction should not be taken lightly.
- There’s a large social cost to every abstraction, may lead the project to be unmaintainable.
- lambda is also a way to reduce the abstraction layers in some way
- Abstraction is a good way to get rid of verbose code, but itself may bring uncertainty to some extent. Only implement necessary abstraction.
文章标题:Cost of abstraction
本文作者:Leilei Chen
发布时间:2020-02-05, 01:08:47
最后更新:2020-02-05, 01:09:17
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