AWS essentials(1) - introduction

  1. 1. AWS Cloud Concepts
  2. 2. AWS Core Services
  3. 3. AWS Security
  4. 4. AWS architecting
  5. 5. AWS Pricing and Support

1. AWS Cloud Concepts

  1. Introduction to cloud
  2. Introduction to the AWS Cloud

2. AWS Core Services

  1. Overview of Services and Categories
  2. Introduction to the AWS Global Infrastructure
  3. Introduction to Amazon VPC
  4. Introduction to Security Groups
  5. Introduction to Amazon EC2
  6. Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Store
  7. Introduction to Amazon S3
  8. Introduction to AWS Database Solutions

3. AWS Security

  1. Introduction to AWS Security
  2. The AWS Shared Responsibility Model
  3. AWS Access Control and Management
  4. AWS Security Compliance Programs
  5. AWS Security Resources

4. AWS architecting

  1. Introduction to the Well-Architected Framework
  2. Reference Architecture: Fault Tolerance and High Availability
  3. Reference Architecture: Web Hosting

5. AWS Pricing and Support

  1. Fundamentals of Pricing
  2. Pricing details for EC2, S3, EBS, RDS, CloudFront
  3. TCO calculator Overview
  4. AWS support Plans Overview


文章标题:AWS essentials(1) - introduction


本文作者:Leilei Chen

发布时间:2020-01-30, 12:45:54

最后更新:2020-02-02, 14:06:57


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